Varicose Veins Treatment: Preventive Home Remedies For Varicose Veins


If you see large, swollen veins in your limbs, especially your legs, then you may have a condition known as varicose veins. If you are looking for varicose veins treatment, then it is equally essential for you to understand how this condition develops.

A malfunction of the vein valves brings on this particular vein disorder. For those unaware, as the veins carry the blood back up to the heart, the valves inside the veins open and close continually to prevent the backflow of blood toward the legs. However, due to age or other factors, these valves can become weak and damaged, causing blood to accumulate in the lower legs, resulting in poor blood circulation. This ultimately leads to varicose veins.

If you need to check for varicose veins, you can look for symptoms such as visible greenish-purple veins, leg pain at the end of the day, swelling, and skin discoloration, especially around the ankle. Age, gender, heredity, obesity, pregnancy, and extended durations of standing or sitting are common factors that make someone more likely to develop varicose veins.

Symptoms and causes of varicose veins can vary from person to person. Nevertheless, there are multiple treatment for varicose veins that you may consider to manage your symptoms, especially if you are in the early stages of varicose veins.

Top 10 Preventive Varicose Veins Home Remedies

There are several measures that one can take at home for varicose veins management. However, it is essential to keep in mind that these measures won’t cure varicose veins but can provide some relief and comfort for those who are in the early stages of varicose veins. These steps can also help slow down the progression of the condition and prevent it from occurring in those who are at risk.

Let us figure out how to treat varicose veins at home through lifestyle changes and other preventive measures.

1. Exercise

Low-impact workouts that encourage blood flow and strengthen leg muscles are best advised as a remedy for varicose veins. You can try these workouts:

  • Walking: This excellent low-impact workout helps increase blood circulation in the legs and supports overall vein health. Try to walk for 30 minutes or more each day.
  • Cycling: Cycling is another low-impact workout that is easy on the joints. It boosts blood flow and activates the calf muscles, which can help manage and prevent varicose veins. You can either ride a bicycle outdoors or use a stationary bike indoors.
  • Swimming: Swimming is a fantastic full-body workout that can aid circulation and relieve vein pressure.
  • Yoga: Certain yoga poses, such as the tree pose and the legs-up-the-wall pose, can help improve circulation and reduce swelling in your legs caused by varicose veins.
  • Leg Lifts: Lie on your back and lift your legs, keeping them straight. Hold for a short while, then gradually bring them back down. Repeat this exercise several times for the best results.
treatment for varicose veins

Adopting a lifestyle with a 30-minute exercise regime is a significant part of varicose veins treatment plan.

2. Compression Stockings

Another effective method for preventing and minimizing the appearance of varicose veins is using compression stockings, which can be conveniently donned at home.

Wearing graduated compression stockings at home is generally the first line of defense treatment for varicose veins.

Compression stockings are available in various compression levels, spanning from mild to firm. The required level of compression is contingent upon the extent of severity exhibited by one’s varicose veins.

It is best to consult a healthcare professional to identify which compression level is right for you

3. Elevate Your Legs

How to treat varicose veins with minimum effort? Simply elevate your legs. If you frequently sit with your legs crossed without realising it, consciously elevate your legs, as lifting your feet will alleviate some pain and discomfort.

Elevating your legs involves raising your legs above the level of your heart. It can help by reversing the effect of gravity and reducing the pressure on your veins to push the blood back to your heart.

4. Maintain A Healthy Weight

Keeping your weight in check can help manage and prevent varicose veins, which is considered an effective remedy for varicose veins. Being overweight can put additional pressure on your veins. The greater the pressure, the more difficult it is for blood to flow normally, thus increasing your risk for varicose veins.

By eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, you can maintain a healthy weight that can ease the strain on your veins, improve circulation, and lower your risk of varicose veins.

5. Bring Movement

Bringing movement into your life is one of the best varicose veins home remedies and a great way to prevent varicose veins in the first place. Long durations of standing or sitting can cause blood to collect in your legs. To keep your blood circulating, including movement in your everyday routine, is crucial.

So, if you work at a desk or spend a lot of time sitting down, be sure to get up, stretch, and move about frequently. Additionally, blood flow can be restricted when your legs are crossed. So, keep your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the ground.

6. Massage

When performed with care, massages can offer advantages to individuals with mild varicose veins. They can improve blood circulation, diminish swelling, and alleviate discomfort. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution when considering a massage if you have varicose veins, as certain massage types or techniques might be too vigorous or pose potential risks. Use gentle pressure and avoid massaging directly over the varicose veins.

7. Plant Extracts

Several plant extracts can be massaged into the skin or applied topically to address varicose veins. Here are some common plant extracts frequently utilized in massage that fall under the category of remedy for varicose veins.

  • Horse Chestnut Extract: This is a popular remedy for varicose veins and is believed to fortify veins, enhance blood flow, and reduce inflammation.
  • Witch Hazel Extract: The natural astringent witch hazel may help reduce leg swelling and inflammation. It is commonly applied topically as a cream, ointment, or compress.
  • Arnica Extract: Arnica is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent, relieving leg pain and swelling.
  • Ginger Extract: Ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory, can assist in improving circulation and reducing leg swelling. It can be used as a dietary supplement or applied topically as a cream, oil, or compress.
  • Gotu Kola Extract: Gotu kola, an Ayurvedic herb, is believed to strengthen veins and enhance circulation. It can be taken as a dietary supplement or applied topically as a cream or oil.

Those interested in using such plant extracts as varicose veins home remedies should still consult with a healthcare professional for proper guidance and to ensure that these remedies are suitable for their condition and needs.

8. Dietary Changes

Dietary changes can help prevent and manage varicose veins. For example, a diet rich in foods that cause inflammation in the body, such as processed meals, sugar, and refined carbs, can worsen varicose veins symptoms. So, instead, consider having a diet of anti-inflammatory foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Lifestyle changes with the right exercises and suitable changes in your diet can be an excellent varicose veins treatment.

9. Flavonoids

Naturally occurring substances known as flavonoids can be found in various fruits, vegetables, and plants. Varicose veins have been proven to respond well to these flavonoids. They help strengthen the veins’ walls, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.

Many foods, such as citrus fruits, berries, onions, garlic, spinach, kale, and chocolate, contain flavonoids.

10. Essential Oils

You can also try essential oils as one of the many varicose veins home remedies. While no research states that essential oils can be used as a remedy, many find them helpful in pain management. Essential oils are potent plant extracts that have been demonstrated to have natural components with anti-inflammatory and circulation-enhancing qualities.

Examples of essential oils that could benefit varicose veins are cypress oil diluted with coconut or jojoba oil, helichrysum oil, lavender oil, and lemon oil.


Varicose veins can have various causes, such as a sedentary lifestyle, desk or standing jobs, pregnancy, genetics, etc. It’s crucial to understand that a lack of awareness can exacerbate varicose veins into more severe conditions such as venous ulcers. Consultation with a vascular specialist is essential, as they can provide personalized medical treatment for varicose veins and offer guidance on the self-care measures mentioned in this article.

Implementing specific lifestyle changes can be beneficial. These include exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, elevating the legs, wearing compression stockings, and making dietary modifications. All of the above-mentioned preventive measures can be a part of your varicose veins treatment that will relieve the painful symptoms associated with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Can I Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Quickly?

Getting rid of varicose veins quickly is often challenging because they are caused by damaged veins that typically require medical intervention for effective treatment. However, some procedures and lifestyle changes can help improve their appearance and reduce discomfort over time, such as wearing compression stockings and minimally invasive procedures such as endovenous laser treatment (EVLT), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), or sclerotherapy.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these methods may vary from person to person, and it may take time to see significant improvement. For a quick and effective resolution, consult a vascular specialist to discuss the most appropriate varicose veins treatment plan based on your condition.

Q2. How Can I Get Rid Of Varicose Veins In My Legs Without Surgery?

There are various non-surgical methods for treating varicose veins that could lessen their symptoms and appearance. You can start wearing compression stockings, engage in regular physical activity, implement certain dietary modifications, and explore the potential benefits of herbal massage therapies.

These varicose veins home remedies will not get rid of varicose veins. Still, they will help manage painful varicose veins, reducing the appearance of it and preventing the formation of new varicose veins.

Q3. What Foods Reduce Varicose Veins?

Consuming a balanced, healthy diet can be beneficial for controlling varicose vein symptoms and lowering the risk of developing them. Indulge in high-fiber foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and foods rich in flavonoids like berries and dark chocolate. Vitamin C foods like oranges, kiwis, and strawberries, potassium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes, and omega-3 foods like fatty fish, walnuts, and chia seeds are some foods to control the development of varicose veins.


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